Pornhub annual summary: 42 billion visits, the lowest visit on Friday

Column:Industry Dynamic Time:2023-05-29

It's time for pornhub's annual summary again! Let us follow in the footsteps of the world's largest adult website and see how people spent a year of sexual pleasure in the past year! The user's habits are figured out. Whether it is access time, access device, or search keywords, everyone can consider marketing and setting product titles for reference!

42 billion visits a year

In 2020, a total of 42 billion people visited pornhub, and an average of 115 million people spend a night of sex with pornhub every day. This order of magnitude is probably the total population of Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Poland...

In the past year, people have used the search function 39 billion times, trying to find videos that make people sexually happy. This huge search volume is attributed to the hard-working video uploaders. A total of 6.83 million new videos have been uploaded in the past year. The total length of the video is about 169 years, although it may be mixed with "Pleasant Goat and Big Big". Wolf", postgraduate entrance examination courses, etc. The search keywords are even more diverse, from celebrities to movies, we will list them one by one later.

Pornhub annual summary: 42 billion visits, the lowest visit on Friday-01

Users around the world generally use mobile phones to access, and mobile phones accounted for 76.6% of all traffic, an increase of 7% over last year; while the proportions of desktop computers and tablets have declined, respectively, 16.3% and 7.1%.

Pornhub annual summary: 42 billion visits, the lowest visit on Friday-02

"Aliens" turned out to be the second hottest search of the year

Pornhub is the same as mainstream social media. Hot searches are often related to pop culture. Once there is a major event in the world, or a blockbuster movie is released, pornhub's hot searches will come up immediately.

Among them, "amateur" occupies the top spot in the 2019 hot search list. Laurie Betito of the Center for Sexual Health said, “People seem to be looking for more authentic selfie videos, and there is a trend to surpass professional adult film and television videos. At present, sex is not so taboo. More and more amateurs are willing to upload selfie videos. "

 The hot search that followed was "Alien", which was related to the "Forced Entry into Area 51" campaign initiated by netizens before. Area 51 is a highly classified military base in the United States. Due to the frequent occurrence of mysterious and anomalous incidents, it has been circulated on the Internet that Area 51 is a stronghold of aliens on the earth.

The complete hot search list is as follows:

Pornhub annual summary: 42 billion visits, the lowest visit on Friday-03

It really is Japan!


Pornhub counted the search keyword rankings in 2020. Among them, the "Japanese" keyword jumped from the fifth place last year to the top of the list, becoming the most popular search term, which shows the global influence of Japanese adult movies. "Hentai" is still the second place on the ranking list. This word is the Roman pinyin of Japanese "perverted". And "lesbian" fell two places to rank third. It is worth mentioning that the "Chinese" keyword is at the eighteenth place on the list.

Pornhub annual summary: 42 billion visits, the lowest visit on Friday-04

The keyword "Japanese" is very popular in most parts of Asia, "hentai" is more popular in Russia and South America, and "lesbian" is very popular in most parts of North and South America. It can be seen from the picture:

Pornhub annual summary: 42 billion visits, the lowest visit on Friday-05

From a geographical point of view, the United States is still the country with the largest source of pornhub views, while Japan surpasses the United Kingdom to become the second place. This is also one of the main reasons for the surge in popularity of the keyword "Japanese". The other countries and regions on the list are: United Kingdom, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Philippines, Australia, Mexico, Brazil, Spain, New Zealand, Poland, India, Ukraine, Thailand, Russia, Argentina and Switzerland. The countries on the list contributed 79% of pornhub's total views.

Pornhub annual summary: 42 billion visits, the lowest visit on Friday-06

 Thais watch the longest


The average access time of Pornhub in 2020 increased by 15 seconds, reaching 10 minutes and 28 seconds, which has a certain relationship with the activity of the pornhub community. The visit time of women is about 23 seconds longer than that of men, and the visit time of users over 55 years old is two minutes longer than that of other age groups.


The average visit time of Thais is 11 minutes and 21 seconds, which is 12 seconds less than last year, but it is still the most "persistent" country in the world. The Philippines followed closely behind, occupying second place with 11 minutes and 9 seconds.

Pornhub annual summary: 42 billion visits, the lowest visit on Friday-07

Lowest visits on Friday


Pornhub also gives the user's sexual happiness schedule (based on the user's local time). From the data, Friday is the day with the lowest visits. Maybe everyone has been busy for a week, and this day really can't afford sex.


In general, users visit the least in the early morning every day, and there will be a small peak at four or five o'clock in the afternoon. Maybe everyone will visit the website secretly to relieve fatigue when they are busy at work. And at eleven or twelve in the middle of the night, it came to the peak of website traffic. Presumably, if the bosses do promotional activities during this time period, the effect will be better; of course, if it is a physical store, it may be delivered an hour in advance, so as not to delay the time of the customer's sex.

Pornhub annual summary: 42 billion visits, the lowest visit on Friday-08

However, there is still a difference between weekends and weekdays. Many users start to visit the website early in the morning when they are off on Saturday, which may be a perfect weekend.